Trance Demonstration

April 21, 2024

Start Time: 3:00 pm –

End Time: 4:00 pm

3201 Mountain Highway, North Vancouver, V7K 2H4

This event is only offered in-person.

With Gregg Moor. The different levels of trance mediumship – light, medium and deep-relate to the level of conscious awareness of the medium and the depth to which the spirit being has blended with them. The trance medium Gregg Moor always has control over whether they enter into the trance state. It is a willing and loving working partnership between spirit and medium, built up through years of training and familiarity to form an absolute bond of trust.

Tea/coffee with goodies will be served prior to the Trance Demonstration. 

Cost is $20 & pre-registration & payment is preferred.  Payment to

For further information contact Reverend Melba Carlsen at

Minsters / Speakers